I everyone, I'm sorry I havn't responded. I just have not felt good. I'm still sleeping alot and I keep waking up with horrible nightmares. I've been awake a little more today so I guess i'm feeling better. Alot of people out here are suffering from allergies and bad sore throats so maybe that's it. It's just I don't normally have allergies.
I'm so sick of coming here complaining. I just wish I could come here and say Hey I feel great! My doctor thinks it would be best if I move back to arizona so I have made some arraingments with my family. My neice is going to rent my house wish is good I don't have to sell it and somone in my family will be here to make sure it's cared for. I'm gonna have to sell most of my furniture because I don't want to have to get a huge uhaul with the price of gas.
My parents will let me stay at their house until I get on my feet. Hopfully for both are sakes that won't take too long. I just hope the move will help me. especially with my breathing. I have a rheumy appt next month so I won't be moving until may. Just thinking about it makes me tired.
anyway thanks everyone. I'll try to get by here in a couple of days
love ya