A flare started very suddenly tonight. I can't remember the last time I had one hit me this quickly. I had a busy weekend (hosted a baby shower Saturday morning and it took most of Thurs. and Fri. to clean, cook, prepare for it). Sunday, I did nothing except go to the grocery store with my sister. Today, we had family over for a cookout. I spent most of the afternoon on my feet, making the dessert and all the sides. Right around 7, just about
when we were getting ready to eat, I got that awful "pulling the plug" sensation, as though all the energy drained out of me. I had to go lie down while DH finished prepping the dinner. While I rested, so many of my joints were aching.
I felt a little better after dinner, but now I'm trying to muster up the energy to take a shower before bed. I'm so tired, though. I just don't feel like dealing with all the activity required to wash, condition and rinse my long hair. I need to just get it cut off again, but everyone keeps saying how pretty it is long.
This is my kids' last week of school, and there's so much to accomplish! I'm praying that a good night's rest will send it on out of here. I just feel so guilty...I promised hubby some "quality time" tonight because it's been so long since we've made time for us, and I just want to go to sleep. I feel so bad that this stupid illness is always interfering with life.
Ok, so there's my pity party for the month. Thanks for listening! Short-flare vibes would be appreciated!