For those living in the south, we've had a lot of rain, well, some every day as usual, and I often go outside after the rain in shorts and sandals. I have noticed after walking for a while that I have big lumps that itch really bad. Now I may have vascular problems in my legs though I wouldn't expect it to act like that. When I scratch the lumps they get huge, on my ankles and calves. They don't form a pimple like an ant bite or spider bit but there appear to be two tiny puncture wounds the size of pin holes about a eighth inch apart and not deep.
If it is bites, it doesn't hurt when I get bit--or my neuropathy is just really bad--but they itch like crazy and its only at a certain time of year walking in wet six inch or so high grass. My boyfriend thinks their gnats, but he hasn't had a single bite and he works outside all the time in the woods, ponds, swamps, and walks all over the yard. My son does the same and he doesn't get them. I'm the only one I know of.
I had an allergic reaction to yellow fly bite on my foot that acted like this but my whole foot swelled up and I couldn't walk on my leg and it really hurt. Maybe now i'm used to it and these are fly bites.
I try putting alcohol, tiger balm, bengay, cortisone cream anything, but they just itch until they are done.
Any help and possible remedy would be great. I can't see me just getting hives on my calves, especially with the pinholes in them, but maybe that is from the hair follicle, from swelling, I don't know. I'm baffled. Whatever it is, I can't see it.