Hi Cheeki, have you had your B12 checked? I am like you and hate telling my doctor (rheumy or PCP) of every little problem going on.... good grief sometimes I would be there all day! Although it had been happening for while I did on this visit talk to her about
this weird pain in my feet when I crossed my legs, almost like they had fallen asleep. She said it sounded like a nerve problem and checked my B12. It wasn't so low that I was deficient but low enough to start me on a supplement (Folgard OS). I have noticed a slight improvement in the weird sensation.
See the link below for low B12 symptoms:
thyroid.about.com/cs/newsinfo/l/blb12anemia.htmIt may be a shot in the dark but it's a simple test and may be worth mentioning to your doctor! Take care and let us know if they figure it out.
<Edited to make link active, but still wouldn't work. Goto thyroid.about
.com, search for b12, look at the first result>
Post Edited By Moderator (Lynnwood) : 7/21/2008 4:50:47 PM (GMT-6)