Hi Vince'sMom,
Welcome to the forum. Your ANA can be negative and still have other positive antibody test results. Lots of people get a lupus diagnosis with a negative ANA. That can change too. It can go back and forth from positive to negative many times throughout our lives. The immune system is complex and not easily understood which is why we don't have a cure for autoimmune diseases.
My best advice is to not put too much energy into trying to figure out your lab tests and what they mean. If you're dealing with an autoimmune disorder, it might not even make sense to the doctors in these early stages. A diagnosis is made with lab test results, and your symptoms. You also need to have at least 4 of the 11 criteria for lupus, in order for a rheumatologist to even consider a lupus diagnosis. You can find those criteria here....http://www.lupus.org/webmodules/webarticlesnet/templates/new_aboutintroduction.aspx?articleid=75&zoneid=9
Another good website for lab test results is www.labtestsonline.org. I haven't heard of most of the tests you mentioned in your posting.
You do have symptoms that are consistant with lupus though. Especially the Raynauds, sun sensitivity, and anemia. Are your joints disformed? I hope it's not RA. Joint pain is another lupus symptom. Did the rheumatologist give you any idea if it was RA, or are they waiting to see more progression or symptoms?