I needed to get some stuff out so here it goes. I am so overwelmed right now. I feel week and exausted just about
everyday and thats not even counting the days I am in pain. I have 3 daughters as I've posted before. One is 16, one is 10, and one is 6. The started back to school last Monday. They all go at different times and get home at different times. They all have homework and my 2 youngest need help with it. My 10 year old has adhd and other behavioral problems, I adopted her when she was 4. Because she has the problems she does she has special classes and I have to have meetings with about
7 people in the school 4 times a year to evaluate her. I have one coming up on Wed and I know this is crazy but I feel like I don't have the strength to go. I am so overwelmed with day to day life I feel like I can't add one more thing. The stress of just knowing I have to go to this makes me sick. I think in a way I have isolated myself so much I fear social situations.
I don't know what to do about this. I feel if I tell them I can't come I look like a bad mom. My husband works so I can stay home so he can't go and we have no family here since we moved a year ago to a new state. I haven't made much of an effort to get to know anyone cuz I feel my plate is full enough. I already feel guilty that I let my kids down by not having the energy to do things most moms do with thier kids. Then my 16 yr old has an openhouse at her school Tuesday which she wants me to go to. Its a huge school, upstairs and down. I am stressing over this too. She made me feel pretty bad when I mentioned not going. She knows my guilt buttons. Last, my aunt got transferred here and needs a place to live for awhile 6 or more months. So, she'll be staying with us. When school was about to begin this year I was worried cuz I had a bad couple months and didn't have all these schedules to keep, and wasn't sure if I could even handle that. My kids have so much homework that I've trying to do thier chores and mine. I know this is crazy but even to go grocery shopping has become a stressful ordeal for me, I get to a point where I feel so overwelmed I just want to leave and by the time I get home I'm exausted.
I feel that when my stress level is higher I feel worse. I wanted to try to keep my stress down so that I can atleast be here for my kids and dh here at home making sure they are taken care of. There are meals to be made, baths to be given, homework to be done, and all the other things that go along with taking care of your kids day to day. What do you do in a situation where you know certain things could make you end up having a flare due to the stress of it. How do you tell the school something like that without them thinking I'm a bad mom. I don't want them thinking that I can't take care of my kids. Any advice or prayers would be helpful.