Low dose naltrexone is a life saver and anyone considering it should be on it. I have been on it for almost 2 years for cancer but have many friends on it for lupus, crohns, Parkinson's . All are wonderfully happy about
being informed about
LDN and trying to tell others. My mom is on it for rhuematoid arthritis and my husband takes it as a preventative.
It is safe, non toxic, no side effects and only 1 little pill every night. Since no further convention treatment could possibly save me, I was lucky to have been told about
LDN. It has saved my life that's for sure.
So anyone with Lupus or other diseases should think about
LDN without any nasty effects. Some doctors don't know about
it so are unwilling to prescribe it but we have lists of prescribing doctors to aid those in need. The list is growing to our efforts to educate health professionals about
Low dose nalrexone.
Grateful to be here typing this,
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Post Edited By Moderator (AlwaysRosie) : 9/18/2008 6:13:21 PM (GMT-6)