Medicaid was the first thing that came to my mind, but different states has different medicaid packages. If you were under the age of 19 she could get medicaid for you and herself.
I do not wish to sound like I am supporting fraud, but I worked in this field and I used to tell my clients the same thing. she needs to see a doctor here, and reveal to him what her symptoms are, and how disabled she is. If he will sign a form stating that your mother is disabled, she will be eligible for medicaid.
The people here have this wonderful idea that works really well for me. Make a list of her symptoms as they happen on a daily basis.
What is your status in the United States? Often refugees can get a different kind of medicaid even if they do not have a dependent child. She can get it just for herself, because she is refugee status.
I am not up to date on this subject anymore. the regulations governing medicaid change so often, it is hard to keep up.
In some states one can google, "Medicaid for the disabled in Florida." This gives you a rough idea about her eligibility. But since there are so many exceptions to so many rules and regulation, you still should talk to a medicaid worker, and get a more up to date report. Most states are divided up by counties. And I do not know what county you are in, but it would also be good to google just for that county.
Please come back and let us know what you have learned from the google search and talking to a medicaid worker. Don't give up, even if the worker tells you your mother is not eligible. As I said, there is always exceptions that can make her eligible.
I am really impressed with the daughters at this forum taking care of their mothers. I took care of my mama too, for 6 1/2 years after she had a massive stroke. she was a pistol. One day she was doing cartwheels across the front yard, and the next day she was completely paralyzed and had to learn how to eat again and how to speak.
I commend you for helping your mom.