Sometimes it seems that our families might be the hardest to convince, making our battles that much harder. I am sorry that you have to fight two battles, SSA on the one hand and your family on the other.
By couch hopping you mean living in other people's houses for a short time? and four children with you to take care of. This has to be extremely difficult for you.
you said that you are exempt from participating in the welfare to work program? I didn't know there was such an exemption to work first welfare. this is a good thing. At least you have this income small amount that it is. And I am guessing you get medicaid too, which is also good to get your meds with.
At this time I could not imagine myself in your position, or how well I would cope with it, especially with children.
What does your family think that your meds are for, a healthy woman?
Sending prayers your way. Hope things work out well for you at SSA. At least if this was approved than you might be able to live in a subsidized apartment or house.
bella4 said...
hi everyone,
i can hardly believe stepmom actually said that my illness is all in my head. now, i have always known that her and my dad don't necessarily believe the severity of my illness but to hear that they actually believe i am making it up and it is all in my head???? wow!
i im in the middle of my disability claim appeal and my stepmom told me that they absolutely will not grant my claim because i am just not sick. literally, i have had now 3 conversations with her concerning my health problems. she actually had to take me to the ER a couple of months ago for migraines which i get often and sometimes my meds do nothing for me. she did not say 2 words to me in the car there, in the hospital, driving home or after i woke up at home 6 hours later and neither did my dad. i have had several ER visits over the past year and nearly died from ALP 2 years ago. i just don't see what they don't get and i know i don't have to and i have chosen not to stress myself out over their lack of compassion or regard for my well being but... my stepmom not only told me that it was in my head, but that i was doing a disservice to my 4 kids (6 yr old twins, 5 yr old and 12 yr old) by showing them that "bilking" the system was the way to live life. she accused me of not caring about my kids. my kids are with me and the easy thing to do would be to send them off with their father who is a risk to them. i thought it was obvious how much i care about them. i am doing the best i can and they don't see it.
i left my husband a year ago and he stopped paying child support, we lived for 3 months in a battered women's shelter and have essentially been "couch surfing" for the past 3 months. and... i have been unable to work (which my parents think i should be able to). child support services finally caught up with my husband but it has been extremely difficult esp with no emotional support or otherwise from my family. my stepmom actually asked me if a doctor told me i was sick and couldn't work. what? what a ridiculous question, i thought. seemed obvious to me or i would not have an attorney representing my disability claim. she seemed surprised that, in fact, 3 doctors have said i can't work and that i have been exempt from participating in the welfare to work program. can i say duh here?!!! lol...
guess i just needed to vent! if you read this...thank you!!!