Hi Bluazure,
I'm not sure what your ANA test results mean either. But your symptoms do sound like lupus and/or Fibromyalgia. You actually have most of the symptoms I have!! I thought I was reading my own medical history .
Bright red unexplained stretch marks (took a long time to fade) - that will be from your rapid weight gain.
Severe jaw pain and locking - classic Fibromyalgia symptom. I had it too. Very common.
Sporadic low blood sugars - another classic Fibromyalgia problem. Very common in Fibro.
One episode of unexplained lactation - can be associated with a Pituitary gland issue.
Low body temperature (usually 97.6) - anything between 97 - 99 is considered normal.
Your eye symptoms are very familiar to me too. I get everything you mentioned. I was diagnosed with something called Amorosis Fugax syndrome - occular migraines.
Your symptoms sound a lot like Fibromyalgia and/or lupus. I have almost everything you have written down! It's freaky. LOL. Lupus and Fibro have a lot of the same symptoms. The one way of differentiating the two is that with Fibromyalgia, all of your blood tests will be normal. If you get tests done for your joint pain, and they come back negative, or completely fine (no inflammation), then it's not really joint pain, but pain of the muscles, tendons and ligaments that surround each joint. That will be Fibromyalgia. I just learned all about this a few weeks ago! I was having what I thougt was horrible joint pain. but a bone scan confirmed that my joints were beautiful!!! I had no inflammation going on whatsoever. So it's my Fibro that is the culprit these days.
I'd run this list past the gals in the Fibromyalgia forum.