Hester!! Be in charge of your household! With so many in one house, you should NOT be picking up the pieces for everyone all the time.
Hey Rosie,
I apologize for not being clear enough in my post. My youngest daughter who is a single mom, lives in her own house, not mine. I don't have to pick the kids up everyday, but some days I do. the oldest of my daughter's boys also works, and works overtime when he can. So those days, which isn't many, when he works overtime, I pick up the kids from school.
Living with me is my oldest grandson, who is the oldest child of my son. He also works and pays his share of household expenses. I basically rented a bedroom to this man, my housemate, who was looking for a place to live. He pays half the utilities and I pay half. the amount he pays each month I use for groceries.
Now it is true that neither of these two boys wish to do anything in the house or outside of it, and this is ok with me. My grandson keeps the livingroom clean and vacuums anytime I ask him to do. It is also true that I over protect in many ways.
My son who is also a single dad, and still has one dependent child. I do things for him when he needs it. In return he keeps my car in running condition. Last year it took him two full days of working to change a transmission out of my car. A car he traded some stuff for and gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago.
but the butterfly does have wisdom in it, and I have read this before. But I think we all need to be reminded sometimes, when we are doing too much for our kids. Please keep reminding me.
It is also true that the kids do not talk much about Lupus. My youngest daughter does have an office mate, who was recently diagnosed with Lupus. Tammy now talks to me about these things of Lupus. They do seem to be in denial though and I can understand this. Don't talk about it and maybe it will go away kind of thinking.
And it is true that sometimes I do not let them beat thier wings enough. But I am learning.
Thank you for your response.