Thank you for your responses. I am certain my doctor is out of the office today, but can talk to him Monday. I have seen them already so many times. Of course two of the office visits were follow up for the initial office visit, the cat scan and back to the doctor, and then sent me to the MRI scan, and then admitted to the hospital. Not sure how many office visits I can have due to medicaid and medicare.
but I will call him and try to get to his office Monday. Most all of that pain is gone today. I needed rest maybe. Maybe did too much. I did not imagined that maybe it is my bowels or something having pain.
The viper venom is used for the tests that all of you or some of you suggested that I should take? That is good to know. ONe never knows what one might find in the medicare summaries? I am assuming that the tests were negative, or he would have called me back to his office. He doesn't call me if tests are negative. but they should call me. maybe I need to get a new doctor.
I think my grandchildren are worried about me. I picked up my grandson from the fire department last night, so he could get a second ride from my house to another fire station. He is a volunteer fireman. Headed toward the door in my house to go with his ride, (he is 15 and can't drive yet). In the middle of his long strides to the front door, he turned around and came back and gave me a big hug, and said, " I love you Mawmaw". I do not wish to worry my family, or anyone, but simply cannot hide this pain. It is too painful. Rest takes it away apparently.
I need to speak openly to this doctor. I need to let him know that he needs to listen to me. I went on that real goose chase for 2 1/2 years chasing a cancer that did not materialize. and the pain that I went to the doctor for, was never mentioned again. I went to the doctor about the pain under my right rib cage, and they chased cancer for awhile. then I had a heart attack, and a stroke, and they seemed to be more important. Maybe I need to call the rheumy. Maybe he will listen to me better.
Thank you much for your responses. a small sore place is at my rib cage. sitting up or standing up, causes the pain and it worsens the longer I stand up or sit up.
Will do better in the future or try to.
Thank you Ginny about telling me about my better typing. sometimes I can read the post again, and still not find my mistakes. so this is very good news.