I was just wondering how many of you use mail in pharmacies, or let me state are required to use a mail in pharmacy as a requirment of your insurance or you are penalized? I am so fed up with my mail in pharmacy, which I will not name here out of courtesy, but let me tell you I am about to scream!
I ordered my prednisone back before Christmas when I ordered some other meds, knowing they could not ship it at that time, but I figured if went ahead and requested it they would ship it as soon as the "approved" date came up. Well that date was Jan. 16th, so the product should have been shipped then, one would think right? Nope! They shipped it supposedly on the 17th, a Saturday, which did me no good because they us US mail, and Monday was a holiday, so here I am on the 22nd and still have not received it. I ran out on Tuesday. So, I am officially off prednisone at this point. Thank goodness I was only on 5mg at this point or I would be literally screaming.
I just don't understand why the patient has lost their rights to use whatever pharmacy they want? It just boggles my mind, lord knows I would rather use a local pharmacy, who knows me and actually will fill my scripts then contact the doctor if worse comes to worse. They are gems and care more about the patient and their experience then this darn mail order crap.
I'm wondering what if anything we as patients can do about this? Probably nothing, right? Sorry, I just had to vent!