Today, for a few hours I was unable to stand or sit up for a while because I was lightheaded and my vision kept flipping out, like seeing double then I blink hard and can try to straighten it up and it wouldn't go away, the back of my neck hurt temporarily. I was unable to walk very well at all, really unbalanced. I hope its not from the new hormones *sigh* because they help my fibro and other stuff so much. Anyway, I took a baby aspirin and it went away. I tested my sugar and blood pressure and neither was high or low, the sugar has been bouncing around more lately. I'm hoping this sounds like simple vertigo. Every time I go in for something like this, they never find anything and I end up getting sick from the ER wait. Even if it was TIA, which I was told I may have had before, they never did anything about it. So I don't know if they even do anything about it if it was. Might just be from my neck surgery too,which they won't do anything about. Confused. At least baby aspirin helped and made it go away fast. Dizziness is also a side effect of isoniazid, which I'm still on.
Thanks for any help or experiences.