My apologies for beginning my first post with a question.
I should give a very quick profile of my background. 33-year-old female with SLE. Currently off prednisone (was up to 60 mg/day), but am still taking 150 mg/day of Immuran.
SLE seems to affect my liver (had massive autoimmune hepatitis which is now under control), some nerve issues, constant bone infections, joint pain, and the usual bouts of extreme fatigue etc.
Oddly, my skin doesn't seem to be affected by sunlight (no rashes etc.)
I have noticed something in the last few weeks, and was wondering if anybody else has noticed this as well.
Whenever I tan at a tanning studio, the next day, my weight is is a few pounds hevier (obviously, this can only be a water weight issue). I've tanned twice in the last 3 days - and my weight is up from 113 to 121 lbs.
Now, it may be some strange coincidence - but I can't think of anything else which coincides with it. I'm not eating more (and frankly I don't think it's possible to gain 8 real pounds in 3 days anyway).
Does anybody have any thoughts on whether this is acutally connected, have any other theories, or can explain it to me?
According to urination tests over the last few months, my kidneys seem to be functioning ok.
Thank you for any light that anyone can shed.