5 yrs. ago I had a lupus reactions that landed me in the hospital for a week. My sed rate was above 140 for several days. My ANa was slightly positive, rheumatiod factor was neg. about
6mon after that I was in Florida...got sick...and went to the Mayo Clinic where I was diagnosed with Lupus, Sjogren's Disease, and osteoarthritis(this I already knew).
I had already been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 10 yrs. before that. I just went to a new rheumy and she of course wanted to do all new bloodwork. My ANA came back neg. as did my RA. She told me that what was my biggest problem at that visit was fibro...........I felt like I had been hit by a truck and left to die. I couldn't remember things,etc. I got the bursa in both hips injected with no relief at all. EVERY NIGHT my cheeks,across my nose and forehead are red as if I am chapped and the skin is soft. I realize that you don't have to have a pos. ANA to be diag. with Lupus but I have many of the other symptoms. She wants to send me to a pain group. I'm on Plaquinil and Valtrex twice daily and she told me that those meds could mask the ANA results. What do you think? Lupus or not?
Also I have had chronic "hives" for years that look just like Lupus erythemas.