Hi guys, I am back. You may remember me by my signature info. Well my stabbing pains, muscle twitching, EXTREME joint cracking, random numbness has gotten a lot better. However, over the past wks I have had an upper left ab pain, about
an inch below my breast, also with that on and off again burning in the middle. I do have a history of GERD but the pain on my left is not a GERD type pain. Went to see my dr, and my lipase was slightly elevated, this was a wk ago. Of course I panick as my dad just died of pancreatic cancer so I am so scared that is the cause of my slightly elevated lipase and pain. Well, had an ab ultrasound and the pancreas looked okay, had a CT with dye, the pancreas looked okay however the lipase continues to be elevated and I continue to have pain. I will have an EUS done soon to 110% rule out PC.
I wonder however, could lupus cause a slight inflammation in the pancreas?
I do not have a dx of lupus, but when I started having my odd symptoms (extreme joint cracking, etc) this summer after my MRI and EMGs were fine, I thought maybe its lupus? However, all my labs for lupus have been fine, ANA, antismith.. Does lupus always show in the blood? If not, how long does it take?
If anyone could provide me feedback I would really appreciate it.