Hi everyone, I hope everybody has a great easter.
My question.. I was diagnoise over 20 yrs. ago for discord lupus. I was in remission for a couples yrs. so I started with my pcp. and he was treating me never went off plaquenil. Well 2yrs. ago I was having major flares since my lupus doc. move It took some time to find another one, they thought I had sle, so my new rhumy sent me to lupus derm. they did a biospy. She said there was no defintive answere to le, or scle no organs involve which I'm happy about. I went on line to look up the differance between le. scle. I did not see to much on le this might sound dumb but is there a differance I'm not really sure. I'm on elidel and protopic for my rash, amlactin for my very dry skin. Whats wierd my pcp has me as sle so does my rhumy. but derm. has scle and then le. Who knows. Thanks for any replys