I had an ultrasound done of my abdomen on Monday. They were looking to see if my spleen is enlarged and causing my platelets to drop. Turns out I have a total normal spleen and all my other organs are normal too. So the spleen is not the cause.....
The other possibility was that the Neurontin I was taking was causing it. I've been off the stuff since last weekend, and when I had my blood tested on Monday, the results were good! Platelets are going up. From 47 last Friday, to 80 on Monday. No where near normal yet, but at least it's going in the right direction.
Sooooo, I'll get my blood tested again on Thursday and if everything is still improving, we're going to chalk it up to the Neurontin! How crazy is that?! 1/1000 people will have thrombocytopenia from taking it. I'm always that 1!!! LOL!
I'll let you know what happens next! But I'm feeling very encouraged.