On Saturday (always the weekend) my shoulder got red and hot and hurt bad. I thought maybe I pulled a muscle and put ice, which helped some but it kept getting worse. This morning I woke up and it was bad and I called the rheumies office thinking maybe they could tell me what I need to do. He had me come in. OF course, in the freezing airconditioning things the joint felt a little less hot and I was worried he wouldn't get it. But he went right to the bad sport moved my arm and knew right where the pain was, then he got the nurse and injected it. I'm also all red and there are some places on my skin that crack and bleed on my hands and he looked at that and told me what to do.
I am so happy, I suffered for three months with the other one and never brought it to my rheumie's attention because I got sent to an orthopedist, who did nothing at all but stick needles in it for two hours.
What an awesome rheumie and great medical care. I had to let people know. I didn't know my rheumie could do that for me! He did a better job than the spinal guys!