I think I'm going to go nuts before this is all figured out. I saw my rheumie today. Took the records showing that the latest ANA result (done by the Doc who id'd the Celiac) was negative. I started Plaquenil in December. It came down from 1:1280 to 1:640 in the spring; then to 1:320 in August and finally, to negative in mid October. I asked her if she thought this negative result was on account of the Plaquenil or the gluten free diet. She said she didn't know, then proceeded to tell me that if the remaining tests, which she ran again today, (and I don't remember all the names) for Lupus, RA, Sjogren's etc. are also negative - then "I no longer have a connective tissue disease". Huh?
Does this make sense to anyone? On top of that, I saw her because in spite of my ANA now being negative, my CRP has been climbing from 7.8 to 13.0 and WBC's have fallen to the low 4's (in 6 wks time) and I've been flaring and feeling poorly. Oy - not sure if I'm even making any sense right now, but any thoughts would be appreciated. She suggested a shot of cortisone, which I didn't jump at, so ended up with samples of lidocain patches. I'm confused and frustrated - though I know so many of you are struggling with much bigger fish right now - this being small potatoes in comparison - and honestly - I don't know how you do it (though I definitely appreciate and admire your attitudes!) There seem to be so many questions and so few answers.
Do I need to be looking for a new rheumy.....or am I "cured" presuming no other positive tests turn up)? She didn't say anything about stopping Plaquenil, if so - and I forgot to ask. Ok - done. If you read this far - thank you.