Hi Everyone
I need a vent session.
It seems over the last 10months there have been more bad days than good.
I just seem to be so exhausted all the time, although my joints havent been aching as much which is a massive bonus!
It feels like Im walking around in a complete daze, I feel vague and often feel very short of breath and even a bit giddy. I had a friends wedding on Sat - I woke up feeling terrible so slept in, went to the church, went back home and slept, went to the reception and had a meal and then went home and slept while my Husband enjoyed the evening. I just felt so frustrated with it all.
Im sitting here at my desk trying my very best to concentrate...my Rhmy tells me I must keep active - yet its been over a week since I could push myself to even go for a walk and I am a very determind person. (now to set the scene I am naturally a very active person)
12months ago I started with a small discoid mark on my leg the size of my little finger nail and it grew to the size of a 50c coin (aust) and 3 diff steroid creams to finally go away... then I noticed one on the inside of my leg which wont go away, then one started on my cheek and then one on my hair line. Does any one else experience these? are these another symptom? I seem to be gradually accumulating more and more symptoms.
Ive been diagnosed with UCTD/MCTD with the symptoms of raynaud's disease, rashes, fatigue, low white blood count, positive ANA, low iron, swollen joints, foggy thinking, headaches etc yet my specialist is hesitant to put me on any medication as he feels the side effects are not worth it. Has any one else experienced this though process before?
I just feel like there must be more I can do...I eat right I rest when needed...Im 26 and feel so much older than my age!