I had complete blood work done a few months ago and the results are summed up below:
Low glucose level, high triglycerides, iron overload (very high), high hgb, hct, rbc, mch, rdw, & neutrophils, low lymphocytes & absolute lymphocytes (doc noted that was an ominous sign), high protein & globulin, low potassium & carbon dioxide.
I didn't understand it. She asked me what my symptoms were. I told her headaches, I showed her 2 patches of hair that had fallen out, told her I had Lattice Degeneration, felt feverish a lot of days, told her that I don't communicate well (ADHD), bruised easily, told her I have a terrible memory, clumsy, depressed sometimes & that I lost weight without changing my diet (I had a baby 6 months ago and i weigh less than i did before I had him)...etc.
Took 2 more tests after that (on separate occasions) but doc didn't say what they were for, just sent them with my dad to give to me. He claimed he didn't know what they were for either. I asked the nurse the 2nd time what they were testing for and she said Lupus. I had heard of it through America's Next Top Model but didn't know exactly what it was. I got home and researched. When I read the symptoms, I could relate to almost all of them. I was so scared. I cried a lot. After a couple of weeks the doc called me in to discuss the results. She told me I had Lupus. I asked her if she could be mistaken and she said, "I tested you twice."
I had a positive ANA with a speckled pattern. She said I have ulcerative colitis and my body is attacking my liver as well. She also said I had Celiac disease, anemia & hypoglycemia, among a number of vitamin deficiencies and that I didn't produce enough stomach acid. She said so many things and I didn't take it all in. I'm only 24. I asked her what she suggests (referring to treatment options) and she said I could go the hard core drug route or the natural route but if I were her daughter, she would want me to treat it the natural way. (She is a holistic doc.)
(My family has a history of different autoimmune diseases. My brother has MS, my cousin had some heart thing & died in his late 20s, his mom, my aunt, had ulcerative colitis and had part of her colon removed & is now dying of primary biliary cirrhosis, my other aunt died of primary biliary cirrhosis, her son (cousin) is schizophrenic (he killed someone a couple of years ago and before that he bit someone's thumb off in a fight), I have family members on both sides who have committed suicide including cousins and one grandma...the list goes on)
I'm taking Vitamin B12 (under my tongue) 3 times a day, GlutenFlam, Vitamin D once a day & X-FLM 3 times a day for my immune system. She told me to try this for 6 months and then re-take the tests.
I currently have a bmi of 16.4. My weight concerns me and I feel so ill. My abdomen is very swollen and It is very tender to the touch. My body is sore - especially my ribs & colon region. My stomach feels like it's burning sometimes. I always get out of breath, I get heart palpitations sometimes, I can't stay awake unless I take adderall. It's hard for me to hold my son because I am so weak and tender/sore. I'm scared. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I don't have anyone to talk to. Has anyone else taken this natural route before?