Dear Red,
Just some homework advice from a teacher Please talk to each of your instructors privately. Share your lupus dx and your medication(s) with them if you feel comfortable doing so. They will respect your privacy, and I am sure they have some of the same concerns about your coursework as you do. We notice when our students are struggling. It can't hurt to ask about make up work or extended deadlines. I know what you mean about brain fog and reading. Could you make a list of what you need to do in priority order? By deadline or seriousness? Then chunk your work into more manageable segments. I found it is very helpful to write outlines and sticky notes to myself. When I am struggling to read and process what I am reading, I take notes for myself. They help me review later, too. And let go what you can. At least for now. If you are struggling in more than one course, maybe dropping one for now would be a good idea, a drop is way better than an F in your permanent record and GPA. Or asking one of your professors about an Incomplete, doing the coursework in the summer, or when you are feeling better. Sometimes the grading policies are completely up to the instructor. I share openly with my employer and coworkers about my lupus dx. When I am struggling to stay upright, or keep slamming into doorways, I worry someone will think I am drunk or under the influence of illicit drugs. As a nurse, narcotic abuse allegations are taken extra seriously because of our free access to controlled medications. Only share what you are comfortable with. But please don't hesitate to ask for some extra help. Teachers like to give it.