I have had the same husband and the same little old house for 37 yrs. I vote for the marriage and family part, however you seek it, adopt, kids or dogs. I have two healthy daughters, had a stillborn son and 5 eight week miscarrages, that led to my diagnosis of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, so at least I know why I lost the babies. I am now a grandmother, and just want to offer you a few words of encouragement about a pregnancy. High risk obstetric care, and lupus care, has come a long, long way in the past 20 yrs. If you start out planning for a pregnancy with an OB who takes care of pts with autoimmune disease, (ask your rheumy for a referral), as healthy as you can possibly get.... even before you try and get pregnant, I think your chances are pretty good. I am a nurse, and I researched everything I could, because I wanted to have a big family no matter what God said. I even went to New York City to see a world renowned research specialist. I think your dr. is right about age 30, but good prenatal care, close monitoring of your cardiac and kidney function, is readily available today, say what you will about US health care. And rely on your husband and drs. to help you evaluate the risks when you think the time is right to try, or not. I wish you the very best, and families come in all shapes and sizes. I think it is just really important to have one.