I saw my first Rheumy on Monday & am still trying to understand what is going on!
He says that I have the symptoms of Lupus but doesn't think that's what I have???
He read my blood reports and the covering letter from my GP & stated "hmmmm - the symptoms you have look like SLE but I don't think that's what you have". He then got me to stand up while he stood behind me - then I had to raise my right arm then the left, next was to tip my head forward & back, next was twist at the waist and lastly stand on one leg then the other. . . . . WHY???
Then up on the bed with shoes off : -
check to see foot reflex is ok - yes.
quick feel of tummy - slightly tender on right side under ribs
He took all his notes in shorthand so I had no chance of sneaking a glance at them. While making notes he muttered something about "AIH", I asked what he said & the reply was "nothing just talking to myself".
He then gave me forms for a chest x ray, a CT scan of my head & more blood tests - MBA, Alk Phos, Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody, plus a MCS urine test. I have done all of these but have to wait 5 weeks to see him again to be told the results - very annoying as the results only take a couple of days.
Can anyone suggest what he might be looking for?
Also what's with the aerobics at the beginning of the examination - does everyone else do this when they visit a rheumy?
He appears to be about 70. I thought either very experienced OR past his "use by date" as a doctor - not sure which!