oh thank you so much for sharing your experience with me... it helps so much... well I have been on imuran,plaquenil, prednesone, melotrexate and it been 6 years now and it seems like my lupus is getting worse over the years. I had a hysterectomy feb 2009 & Heart Surgery Aug 2008. I also tried rituxan it worked but I had a bad reaction and was told I can not take it again.. Humira, I asked about
trying that but I was told that it was on for my RA and would flare my lupus.. with a very confused look on my face I accepted that.. I did just get off the phone with my doctor, he has decided that the new drug, Benlysta is was we are are going to try first, unless he changes his mind.. he does that often.. lol if this drug doesnt work then the plan is back to cytoxan again.....