It's been a while since I last posted here, but I was wondering if any of you have ever experienced the same thing.
I haven't been diagnosed with Lupus, but it's the closest thing I can identify with (I've been diagnosed with many smaller-scale conditions and disorders along with having positive and high ANA test results, but the overall cause has not yet been figured out), so, I'm here.
Anyway, I was hanging out with my boyfriend last night, and he went to tuck my hair behind my ear, and when his hand VERY lightly grazed the area behind my ear, pain erupted so badly that I slapped his hand away as an automatic reaction (sorry to my boyfriend)
. I touched the area and felt a small lump, and when he looked at it, he said he didn't see anything. Today, I went to check on it, and it's gotten pretty large. It's so tender to the touch, and it's pretty hard. I've tried to figure out if it moves under the skin, but the skin is so tight there that it's difficult to move anything... however, I'm fairly certain that it moves. One thing is for sure: it's definitely not a pimple. I've looked it up online, and found that it's most likely a cyst or lymph node that's swelling from some sort of infection (this past week, I've been SO exhausted for no reason, and I had a 3 day long migraine, which I never, EVER get migraines). I don't have a fever or anything, and nothing else really hurts. There's just one good-sized and painful lump.
And when I say that it's behind my ear, I mean RIGHT behind it... practically in the crease.
Have any of you experienced anything like this? I'd go to the doctor, but I have no insurance (too many pre-existing conditions). I'm trying not to freak myself out over it, but it looks and feels pretty strange. It's definitely not just a pimple (although I wish it was!).
Thank you in advance!