Posted 4/6/2011 9:44 PM (GMT 0)
Hi everyone. WOW it's been a very long time since I Last spoke. Since like Dec or Jan. Well here is the news. Still have the Lupus and still on all the same meds. Did finally get the Bad news of the cancer figured out. I have stge iv marginal zone non hodgkins lymphoma with dural, spinal, and bone envolvement. That's a mouth full. They said I'm a unique case because thhis kind of cancer doesn't usuall matastsize to the brain and spine. Lucky me. I got a port and my first roound of Ratuxin Last week. Will have 4 rounds total then MRI to see if it touched the tumors in my dura. If not then High dose Methotrexate in the hospital. Well one good thing all these same meds are used with the lupus too, so it should help in that area too. I'm concerned about mixing these with the plaquinel though. No one has told me to go off it, but I think Im going to triple check. I know that you cant take it with the chemo but the ratuxin I'm not sure. anyway I hope everyone is well. talk to ya soon......Joe Baby