Hello everyone, I posted earlier today I am new here and just wanted to say hi, but now I would like to vent about what I have been feeling for the last several weeks. I have had the worst fatigue imaginable, I have had muscle pain and joint pain especially in my hands and wrists, but it has moved to my hips and ankles as well and lower back. I feel like I have had a bad case of the flu or something. I was walking everyday for the last several months and thought I was getting stronger but all of a sudden I felt like I was hit by a brick wall, I just started hurting all over and my muscle tone (which I thought was improving) feels like jelly again. I just can't seem to tone up anymore, does anyone else have this problem with muscles?
I also suffer from complex migraines and headaches just about everyday, I have had double vision, vertigo, numbness, tingling sensations and balance issues. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share there lupus symptoms and besides medicines what has helped you cope with the daily pains and other issues. I forgot to mention I also have the malar rash, and I am extremely photosensitive, I break out in rashes from the sun and they itch like crazy.