So I don't have ins. right now i'm waiting for some new plan to come through so I can go see a rheumy...anyway, i still get treated by my dermatologist for my psoriasis which I have had for over 10 years. I'm currently taking humira 40mg bi weekly for that but have horrible scalp psoriasis right now and also a few tiny other spots. More concerning tho is my other symptoms which have gotten alot alot worse over the past few months.
I'm pretty much exhausted all the time, i have horrible joint pain, usually in a few parts for a few days, then maybe it goes away or fades and another part start hurting. Over the past week i've had to deal with an unuseable left arm, shoulder pain had me laying in bed in tears for hours, even after ibuprofen, vicodin and tramadol. for 2 days my left foot was swollen and my toes looked like little weener sausages! The left foot was around twice the size of the right. I also have knee pain, feel like a barbie doll, can't straighten my knees or it hurts like hell to do so. Terrible wrist and finger/hand pain, often wake up most mornings with swollen digits, again like little tiny sausages. I also have times where my brain feels like its working but my mouth has trouble saying the words i want it to, its very frustrating. I work in an animal hospital and am on my feet all day and am expected to lift large dogs etc. this is starting to intefere with my work and i'm feeling pretty helpless...i had to ask my husband to cut my food at dinner last night the pain was so bad. Sometimes my eyes feel like they are doing circles in my head and i have had a few episodes or vertigo that lasted a few hours - but that was nearly a year ago. I also had a fever this past weekend for no idea why?
my most recent labwork was around 3 weeks ago and i have elevated liver enzymes (i dont really drink), an ANA of 1:1200, and borderline low WBC's. Negative for Hepatitis B and C and HIV - these all get done with my lab panel.
Anyway, if anyone has any ideas it would be helpful- going to see a primary care this week to at least get some pain meds to tide me over until i get my ins through. Thanks guys, and good luck to everyone! :)