I recently bought a book called "The First Year: Lupus". In it the author said if you look back you can trace your Lupus trigger. I got to thinking....
5 years ago I had a severe penicillin reaction (she said a severe reaction to penicillin can be one of the triggers)
two months later- major bladder infection (my first one)
one month later-started coughing due to reflux getting worse (digestion problems related to Lupus?)
two months later- glaucoma discovered & asthma worsens
one month later-legs started swelling all the time (Lupus symptom)
four months later- told I had Hypothyroidism (autoimmune)
same month- another bladder infection
two months later- sleep apnea (she said this can develop in some)
During the following years several attacks of bronchitis & pneumonia.
This last year I kept having siatica pains and horrible backaches.
I had a bad fall at work and injured my shoulder & foot due to losing my balance while walking (stepped on a stick).
As soon as I got better I started having extreme fatigue and pains everywhere which led me to my new diagnosis...
Are any of you able to trace back to what you believe was your trigger?