I think if you have Lupus, you should take a look at this helpful link:
I have an autoimmune disease also; it is called Psoriatic Arthritis ( my rheumatologist says that it is a close cousin of rheumatoid's) I came down with it in 1993. My rheumatologist tried various NSAIDS, some of which I became allergic to, and some of which, just did not help. He tried cortisone shots to no avail. Next he wanted me to go on Methotrexate; I was a little reluctant and said I would think about it. To make a long story short, I happened upon a book called The Road Back by Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. (1988) which advocated the use of certain antibiotics, such as doxycycline, to alleviate the arthritis. ( New ed. called The Arthritis Breakthrough by Henry Scammell). My rheumatologist put me on doxycycline; at the same time, I eliminated the night shades ( potatoes, eggplant, etc.) from my diet. Within 5 months, My Sedimentation (SED) rate went from a high of 75 to a normal of 20. The antibiotic therapy usually has no side effects and is quite inexpensive. Whereas, many of the drugs presribed today, have lots of side effects. Many rheumatologists are reluctant to let their patients try antibiotic therapy. For me, doxycycline gave me back my life.
Hope you will discuss this with your M.D.