High sed rate almost 100 put on predisone 50mgs. had tempel byopsy false neg. due to perna. on 50mgs for 4mo. sed rate goes down, start lowering perd. get to 30 sed rate goes up headack body hurts terrable cant walk cant get out of chair cant sleep . still on pernisone now 15 went to NYU in N.Y. for complete workup, out come the same but have thought that my autoimmune system is a big problem I have Hosemotos disease ofthe thyroid, on medication almost most of my life. Am now going to be 80 . Been also diagnosed with noropathy of both legs not assoctated with Diabetes, I'm not a diabetic, but the med made me boarderline have totest AND WATCH my sugar, blood preasure is also climbing have to get off perdnisone do you know anything new a bout why sed rate cant be controled I never had a blood problem is their anything out there that my 4 doc. dont know?lm now on medication for the lymes. please answer with any information I see the infectious disease doctor today about
the antibiotic i'm on for the lymes. johnathan
Post Edited By Moderator (Lynnwood) : 2/8/2012 11:44:05 AM (GMT-7)