Good afternoon, I hope all of you are having a good day today and are feeling well.
I have the results of my Lupus Anticoagulant panel back, and I'm a little confused by the results. Has anyone else had a negative... or "normal" LAP? My prothrombin time was a little high, about 13.6.... shouldn't that be a little maybe on the clotty side instead of the runny side? Or am I reading it all wrong? I don't have high sed rates, and all of the other tests were withih normal range...c-reactive protein, cbc, ect..but I did have positive ana. Just wondering if my hair loss and fatigue could have been related to stress, becuase I sure did have a bunch of it. I have eliminated most of my stressors...and my fatigue has improved significantly, but I'm sleeping 2 more hours a day, thanks to relocating a little closer to work. Those are my two main symptoms. hair loss and fatigue. No rash, no sunsensitivity, no aches notta.. just lots of hair loss and tiredness with a pos ana. Would the Plaquenil only one tablet a day make me feel so much better? in 3 weeks? Also very curious as to how the LAP figures in to this. Any advice?
You guys are awesome! :)