I have Fibro and was diagnosed in January 2010. Ever since I have noticed many changes that point to Lupus. For example. I used to be able to be in the sun for hous on end. Now if I am in the sun for 5 minutes I feel sick to my stomach, and often get a rash across my cheeks and nose. I have nose bleeds out of the blue for no reason at all. They last a long time and are hard to get to stop. The rash also shows up when I'm stressed out or after having 1 drink of alcohol. I was recently diagnosed with colitis to add to my list of things. My heartrate is always high. So high I was sent for a full cardiac test at the hospital. They couldn't find anything other than my high heart rate. It was so high one time they said I was on the verge of a heart attack. I didn't feel like it. No pain in my heart or anything that would indicate a heart attack.
The last doctor I had ran a blood test and said, nope you don't have lupus. My new doctor seen the report and was just satisfied with the results. I know I need to see a Rumy to get a true answer. For some reason my doctor is reluctant to refer me. He refered me to the GI doctor for the colitis, and to the pain clinic for my back pain. I'm not realy sure what his deal is. What should I do?