Welcome to our forum Sugar Bush. This is the perfect
place to vent ‘cause there is always someone to listen and although few will have
all your symptoms, combined you’ll find many who share your symptoms.
I’m so sorry to
hear of your nephritis. I’ve had problems with lupus attacking my brain (beyond
the brain fog most of us have) but lately most of my problems are lung related.
Yeah, pleurisy is a #*%! I’ve also had dizziness, numbness, touch sensitivity,
and lots of joint pain. I was on Cellcept for 2 years, but I had to stop it for
surgery last January and my rheumy suggested I stay off it for a while if I
I was also bed ridden for a while and had to take time
off without pay using the Family Medical Leave Act. You might consider this if
you can go without pay.
You really have lots going on raising your boys,
working, and flares. One last thought, a few years ago a woman on our forum
gave me this bit of advice: Consider
your flares as crossing a bridge. Sometimes the bridges are short and you reach
the other side somewhat easily, but some bridges are so long you can’t even see
the end of the bridge. Regardless, you will cross it. Just be sure to keep in
mind that the end of the bridge is there. I’ve crossed many bridges. I
still get mega bouts of frustration and depression, but I’ve always crossed
each bridge eventually, and you will too. I hope, and you will too. I hope you
find our forum helpful. Love, Butterflake aka Donna