I live in england and i know things might be different but is lupus considered a disabilty and is it possibly to get some sort of benifit for this as i applied for something called disabilty living allowance and i was turned down i wrote all my bad points and how i actually do need help with so much things by my mum and yet i still go turned down so i appeal and also sent of an upto date prescript
ion detailing all my meds i wating for a reply should i be getting this or am i wasting my time there is alcholics in this country that get away with everything and they get it because they was supposed to have been born with that addiction bull**** (excuse my french) but its true and they take up the money that people with true disabilitys have. So am i right by appyling or just being silly??
Does anyone with lupus get some benifit whatever kind?
Do you think i Shoud be getting this?