Hi Joy,
I actually have been feeling better than I have in a long time. Could be that I have had a relatively stress-free summer....although that is about to change with school starting. I am already in the throes of planning etc. I am out of special education this coming year (my choice due to the high level of stress I experienced last school year) and will be responsible for running our Independent Studies program for Community School. I have done it before and am truly looking forward to the change. I also seem to be well-maintained on the 10 mg of Prednisone and 200 mg. of Plaquenil, with the occasional Tylenol Arthritis for more severe arthralgia. My butt still gets kicked when I am not compliant about staying out of the sun...which is difficult for me when the sun shines here!!! So all in all pretty good, given the year I had last year. Thanks for checking in!!