Hello, am new to this web-site. I didn't know which disease to pick since I have 3 chronic diseases. So I decided to go with lupus since it is the last one I was diagnosis with. I received the news on 6/11/2013. I just need to say how am feeling to someone that can identify with what am feeling. I have been dealing with auto immune hepatitis since 2004. Before that in 1999 I was diagnosis with hepatitis c. That is in remission and doing good. But my liver is so damaged that I have cirrhosis and have been on the transplant list for 2 years now. Taking many meds. November, 2012 diagnosis with diabetes. Straight to insulin 5 shots a day. Now lupus! Its like I starting have joint pain in April and now it hurts to walk. Am just having a hard time accepting this. Where is the light at the end of the rainbow? My family just act like there is nothing wrong with me. Why you tired, why you don't want to go anywhere. Oh you fine!.. Hello people where have you been and am tired of explaining the same thing over and over. Am really scared of this lupus!