First, thank you for your consideration. It is my first post and looking forward to being a part of the community.
My wife actually has Scleroderma (CREST to be exact), let's call it a cousin of Lupus. She is on many medications, some that have affected her digestive system, throwing off the balance of bacteria. Her doctor thought the best treatment would be to take Neomycin orally for a 10 day regiment. The intention is to wipe out harmful bacteria in the intestines and restore the balance of good bacteria.
She tried this treatment before and just could not take it from the side effects (nausea, diarrhea). The unsettled stomach has led her to try the treatment again. Today (day 1) the main side effect she is dealing with is the severe bloating (very uncomfortable!). She has been able to find some comfort by laying on her stomach, on top of a pillow.
Has anyone else had to deal with this drug? Any other suggestions to find comfort from the side effects?
Thank you in advance,
Concerned Husband