Hi Everyone,
I just found out that my Rheumatologist, who I love and respect, is leaving the area. Did not hear it from her, but from another patient of hers. This will be my fifth change in providers since I was diagnosed in 1997. I live in a rural area that is having difficulty keeping doctors. The closest large city is 4 hours away! I found out a month ago that the Cardiologist that I was seeing is also leaving the area. So needless to say, I am frustrated. The only other Rheumatologist works with my current doc, but only works half time. I am sure they are actively seeking someone to come up here, either through filling in temporarily or coming up monthly from the more metropolitan areas on a regular basis to see patients. I am feeling untethered. I had my original Rheumatologist for ten years. His passing left a huge hole in my life and the life of others. It's hard enough managing our Lupus without so many changes and uncertainties with providers. I do have an appointment with my current Rheumatologist next Friday, so hopefully she will fill me in on all of the details. Thanks for listening. I just had to get this off of my chest.