aimsgirl16 said...
Hi there! Sorry you are having this scare! Sure isn't fun waiting for the doctors to get back with ya! A few questions....Is your urine Red or more coke/tea colored? Also, how many times do you get up at night to go to the bathroom if any? Do you notice swelling in your eyes, legs, or feet? I assume you have long ago were you diagnosed? Also, are you on any medications to treat lupus symptoms?
Thanks aimsgirl16 for your reply. My urine was more red than coke/tea colored. I don't usually get up in the night to go pee these days. I'm actually feeling like peeing less than normal. No swelling, and yes, I do have lupus. I was diagnosed with SLE in 2007. I'm in Plaquenil and Imuran.
I used to be on this forum a lot in the first 2 years I was diagnosed. I was under the handle Ellie27 I think... but I cannot seem to get into my old account, so I started fresh :) I actually remember your name from back then, and Lynwood too. You both made me smile by answering my post. So thanks. And thanks to Keep Moving Forward to responding first with your encouraging words. You are a gem!