Hi everyone,
This is a "comparing notes" post. I didnt have any allergies until about
15 years ago. They were controllable with Flonase spray until my lupus was triggered five years ago. Now, every time the wind blows I am pretty miserable. Stuffy, burning eyes, dry cough, difficulty breathing. Sorta sucks. Makes sleeping a challenge too.
What I find funny (well, in a sad funny way) is that allergies are an immune response right? And we are suppressing my immune system (cell cept, rituxan and prednisone) so why on earth would my allergies be getting worse and not better?
Have any of you noticed you allergies are worse than they used to be? Now I am on Singular at night, Flonase twice a day and a Claritin in the morning if it is too bad. I also net-pot at least twice a day.