Welcome, dbgirl!
We have a lot of different presentations of Lupus represented on this forum, but I don't recall ever hearing about
the (non-spellable) form you mention.
What Drs are you seeing? You mention a GP and a hematologist, is there a rheumotologist in there as well? Anyone else?
I find I get gout symptoms if I don't stick to straight water as my primary beverage. Some of my fatgiue was due to simply not getting enough deep, restorative sleep -- some of the meds mess with sleep. Adding Trazodone (an anti-depression med, cross-used as a sleep aid) helped my fatgiue greatly. Cellcept was my miracle drug that put me into remission (from serious, measurable cognitive dysfunction).
I don't think any reasonable Dr will flinch at all if you bring up the "maybe too many meds, so is some of this side-effects" conversation. I brought it up with my Dr a while back, and they were happy to look over everything with me. I do think it's worthwhile checking out the meds and the med interactions on a site like this
/www.walgreens.com/pharmacy/library/checkdrug/selectfirstdrug.jsp first so you have facts on hand.
Let us know how it goes!