You are so welcome.
I almost didn't answer because I don't want to steer you down a wrong path or make anyone angry on this Lupus forum! It's just that I had no answers until I found this HealingWell site so I'm trying to help others the way I've been helped. I hear you, there have been sooo many lifestyle changes: I also can't handle the sun/heat anymore. So tough in summer. :( And AMEN to your comments about
a universal blood test!!! I've heard there are actually a couple in development. Fingers crossed!
Your PC (who sounds great) or Rheumy can draw the blood for you and send in to either lab. Stonybrook accepts insurance but you have to ask your PC if s/he will work with Stonybrook, as your doc probably already has another lab that they work with. Stonybrook used to have a state-of-the-art lyme research lab so they were the go-to lab for these tests and got much better results than other labs. But they no longer have that research lab, from my understanding... Your doc can contact them, or you can. They still do the basic lyme test. That's how I got my first positive test (CDC results below).
IGenex does not accept insurance, and their basic Lyme test is $200: you can then submit the receipt to your insurance for reimbursement. As far as Lymies go, IGeneX is the gold standard we look to for diagnosis. And even they can't make the diagnosis sometimes... Call IGeneX at 800.832.3200 or 650.424.1191 and someone will answer right away. They will mail you the kit for free to take to your doc with the forms to have the blood drawn. A doc must send it back to them--you can't do that part yourself.
Sometimes docs unfamiliar with Lyme aren't comfortable working with IGeneX lab (due to false rumors that IGeneX tests 'always' come back positive or that the lab isn't reputable), in which case you can go to any local clinic or hospital to have the blood drawn & sent back. IGeneX has a better result rate for those of us who actually have Lyme because they use a much more sophisticated and thorough testing procedure than all other labs in the US. That's how I got my second positive test result (below in my signature) that was much more detailed than my Stonybrook result.. It will take 3 weeks to get your results from them.
Well, I don't want to hijack your thread here all about
Lyme so please feel free to check out that forum as well, if it's not too overwhelming. Or, email me anytime if you have more questions or just want to connect.