Hi! I've never posted in an online forum before so forgive me if I make a faux pas.
My name is Kristen. I'm 27 with two kids and a small childbirth education business. I'm kind of freaking out. I gave birth almost a year ago. A few weeks ago, I went into the doctor with symptoms I felt like I couldn't ignore.
I have had unexplained weight loss. (The last time I was this size was middle school.) I've had fatigue, a temp ranging from 99.5 and 100.00 all the time, headaches, chills, mouth sores, and hair loss that started up again after my normal postpartum hair loss.
Lab tests came back with positive ANA, not a quantitative test so I don't know a titer yet. So they ran another panel, and I came back with a positive SSA (3.7 AI) and a barely positive SSB (1.0 AI). My primary referred me to a rheumatologist. I know these are associated with lupus and Sjogren's and that it could be either (or both), but from what I've read I'm a little young for the onset of Sjogren's? (I'm 27.)
The day after the second lab results, I took a positive pregnancy test. When the baby was conceived, my husband and I had no idea we were looking at a possible autoimmune disorder or we would have put baby #3 on hold. Obviously, it's too late now!
But no one will tell me anything. The birth center where I had my last baby said I need to see a perinatologist. So I scored an Oct. 19th appointment with the rheumatologist, and I see a perinatologist the next week. But no one will talk to me until then!!!
Except for the nurse at the perinatologist's office who has been very nice but says I'll have to talk to the doctor about
any specific questions. The most useful thing she told me was that I don't have to worry about
complications due to SSA until the second trimester so I have time. (Plenty of time to freak out!)
So I'm 5 weeks pregnant and (likely?) have an autoimmune disease that may or may not be lupus. I know the SSA antibodies make me a high risk pregnancy which is terrifiying to me because I had completely uncomplicated and unmedicated births for my last two. I'm a childbirth educator so I know
about high risk pregnancy, but I don't feel like I know how to have a high risk pregnancy!
Can anyone share about
being pregnant with lupus or positive SSA? Am I automatically a high risk pregnancy regardless of my SSA titer (which I assume the rheumatologist will test for)?
I know that even with SSA, it's a relatively small risk that my baby will have heart problems. But that's really all I know.
And does anyone have input about
whether they had to take medication while pregnant? My symptoms are very manageable (if that's even what that decision is based on).
None of the emoticons are freaking out enough!!!