I know I asked this months ago, but with some new ones coming on I thought I would ask again.
I get red spots on me, no where particular, but they mostly come on my legs. They start out as red spots, a little sore, no white head. The after a few days they start turning tan with a crusty spot. then they just turn a little darker tan. And very slowly grow. They aren't very big. But this is not normal. I tried a dermy for my lumps under my skin, but I am not going back to him for this. There is a reason why I get these things and with having tired muscles and aching joints and now my esophagus is getting worse. I have an appt. with an endocrinologist next month. My thyroid is enlarged on the right side along with having a cyst on that side too. When I lay down at night it feels like it somewhat closes off my air. And having a pH probe test done last week made things worse along with getting a sinus infection too. Not a nice test to have to do.
But if anyone happens to get these spots please let me know. I was told I have fibro and still feel it's a dx that they gave me just because they can't find out what is going on. I am loosing hair again, I was told it's not thin at all, but when you've had thick hair all your life and now you an see my scalp through the hair, that's not normal.
Does anyone have breathing problems with lupus? I feel like I carry a weight around in my chest all the time. I am seeing a cardio doc too this month. The new gastro doc I have, likes challenges and likes dealing with things that are odd. So I am in luck there. LOL.