Thank you so much Bitzi, Babs, Stacie and Hippi
Yeah hippi!! that was the post I was trying to remember! And when you were helping someone else, I was also suffering with it, but thought it was pericarditis, but it was different and I tried the pushing on the chest thingy and sure was quite sore. Please dont feel bad about me, I'm not suffering badly, but I was just felt a tad alarmed when I had an echo on my heart last week and it felt like the tech was breaking my rib on that side, then of course I forgot about it then noticed I was still tender, then I saw and can feel the bulge on that right side just like you have Stacie!! We arent freaks of nature, we are special LOL
I will keep you updated when and if I can get in to see my rheumy. Hope you all have a good weekend girls