i've decided to do go ahead and get tested for heavy metals. i read some research where mice with genetic predispoitions to lupus developed the disease when exposed to heavy metals. i have the genes for it but i don't have the bloodwork for it....so....i might as well. it will take another pay day or two before i can do it, because insurance won't cover it (it's a urine test that i have to send to a lab in paris).
also, if it IS heavy metals, i can treat that and maybe get rid of some of this. the test is about 400$ but if it comes back positive, then insurance will cover the very expensive and long term treatment.
i was looking at picture of me trying on my wedding dress a few months ago, and i don't know why i didn't see it before, but there is the red nose..with the red going over my cheeks...just how i remembered it from last summer. like a good sunburn. then, tuesday morning i got to work. it was 60 degrees outside and i had on a t-shirt and jeans (obviously not warm). the mom of the little boy i tutor asked if i needed water or a fan because i looked over heated.....i had noticed the red across my face that morning but didn't think about it. put i went and looked in the mirror and there it was. thankfully it isn't red tonight. can this come/go some what?
i am going to start using a steroid cream again on my fingers, it helped with the little blood clots before, and they are still showing up, one by one every 7-10 days, instead of a huge group of them all at once like before. i hope that with the warmer weather that the ranauds will be a little better and perhaps these painful knots will start to go away...assuming that it is related to the ranauds.
lupus or something like it